Freezing/thawing as an accelerating process of wet- and dry-aged beef


A Brazilian study aimed to evaluate the use of freezing/thawing as a way of accelerating the aging processes of beef from Nellore animals.

Non-frozen (NF) or freezing/thawing (FT) strip loins were aged (for 14 and 28 days) using two systems: bone-in dry-aging (DA); boneless wet-aging (WA). FT-treated samples had greater weight losses (P < 0.05) during aging than NF-treated samples, especially using the DA process. However, the weight loss of the FT 14-days DA beef samples was comparable to that of NF 28-days DA. FT beef had lower fragmentation index and shear force values (P < 0.05), as well as its maximum sensorial tenderness was achieved earlier (P < 0.05) than the NF counterpart. With 28 days of aging, DA beef showed higher (P < 0.05) tenderness and juiciness scores and lower lightness values than WA beef. The FT process decreased the reducing capacity of meat samples, generating more metmyoglobin and lower amounts of chroma than NF. The expected volatile profile of DA beef was achieved faster in FT-treated samples, but the freezing treatments did not compromise the microbial count for either aging system.

Their findings, published in Meat Science journal, indicate that accelerated DA by the FT process could improve the palatability of Nellore beef, allowing the desired tenderness and flavor profile to be achieved in a shorter time, without increasing costs with weight losses or adversely affecting physicochemical, chemical, and microbial characteristics.


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