In this issue, we feature the latest trend news for good health and wellness. We investigate the psycho-biology of eating behavior and we focus on the diet and nutrients (and their interaction) influence on the aging degenerative effects; we also present the latest data from applied research with the news arriving from the food and supplements sector for stress, inflammation, high blood pressure, and metabolic diseases.
Our experts write in food law, hygiene, and catering. We present the most interesting innovations at an international level in the functional segment and the new products for sports nutrition. It’s a functional recipe the Latin bowl with guacamole by Giulia Giunta, because it is based on quinoa, gluten-free and rich in fibre, black beans, characterized by the anthocyanins presence, and Brazilian nuts rich in selenium.
Finally, companies show great interest in the microbiological analysis and artificial intelligence will certainly play a key role in offering the best solutions and increasingly advanced and precise analytical tools. We talk about it with Franco Pirovano, founder of Micro, in Sulbiate.
– Safety issue in food delivery services for celiacs and intolerants.
– Psycho-biology of eating behavior: why do diets fail?
– Edible insects and food risks.
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