Consumer preferences for spirulina-enriched pasta


The increasing interest in functional foods has led to research into nutraceutical sources, which has resulted in the discovery of microalgae, particularly spirulina, as a promising option. Spirulina is unique for its high protein content, essential amino acids, and rich mineral and vitamin content. Additionally, spirulina cultivation is environmentally friendly as it requires only a small area and has minimal emissions. However, despite the significant potential of spirulina-based products, their market penetration remains low due to investment costs. Therefore, assessing market interest and consumer preferences is crucial for promoting development. 

To understand consumer interest in spirulina-based products, researchers from the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies of the University of Florence conducted a study, which appeared in Algal Research, using a representative sample of 326 Italians who participated in a choice experiment involving a pack of pasta that could be spirulina-enriched or not. 

The results indicate that there is a substantial consumer segment interested in spirulina-based pasta and willing to pay an average premium of €1.28 for a 1 kg package. This segment comprises prevalently young, physically active, well-educated men, who are interested in healthy eating and open to trying new foods. They primarily have a plant-based diet and good familiarity with functional foods.


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