Correct use of dietary supplements

The dietary supplements are becoming increasingly popular among the dietary habits of the Italians, becoming, in recent years, as one of the fastest growing segments of the market, but also constantly changing.
AIIPA (Italian Association of Food Manufacturers – Group “Nutritional Supplements and Health Products”) and Federfarma Milan, association of pharmacy owners of Milan, presented a White Paper on Food Supplements, created with the aim to shed light on the subject of dietary supplements and proper use. Prepared by a committee of experts from the scientific community, the book was presented to the public as part of “Make the Right Thing – Critical Consumption and Sustainable Lifestyles” national exhibition held at Fiera Milano City.
The joint elaboration of this text is, on the one hand, a base for successful communication on food supplements for both pharmacists and consumers. The white paper explores in particular the regulatory framework outlined by the European Directive 2002/46/EC and its transposition in Italy (DGL 169/2004), the topic of advertising and correct information, with a focus on health claims as provided by the Rules 1924/2006, and sheds some light on some of the most common clichés.
The white paper can be downloaded either on site AIIPA ( and on that of Federfarma Milan (


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