Varvel SpA opted to set up a display showing the real-time energy production given by the photovoltaic system located on the facilities roof, to invite the visitors to share the company’s commitment in the environment conservation.
Declarations in favour of the alternative energy and to reduce the business impact are not enough. It should also be proven by being an inspiration source to the others and consistent with ethical and virtuous conduct.
With these motivations Varvel SpA, working since 1955 in the production of speed reducers, gearmotors and variators, decided to install a display panel connected to the photovoltaic system located on the main building roof. The display shows in real time the current power in kW, the energy produced since installation in MWh and the tons of saved CO2. Nestled among the flags flying at the office entrance, the display wants to be a tangible sign of concrete commitment Varvel places on environmental protection through the use of photovoltaic systems, separate collection and waste disposal, and other virtuous deeds.
Since 2000, Varvel SpA has introduced the “Environmental Management System”, certified since 2001 according to UNI EN ISO 14001. As reported in the sustainability report, since 2007, steps were taken to a conversion of the production of hot water for sanitary use (toilets, showers and company’s canteen) through solar panels, with annual savings estimated at approx. 10,000 cubic meters of natural gas. Since 2010, the company has also completed a photovoltaic system for the production of electricity, with a cost of € 600,000 for 675 solar panels for a net area of 1,110 square meters with a total installed capacity of 159 kWp.
The annual production is around 188,000 kWh, covering about 20% of the company’s needs, with a reduction in CO2 emissions of 109 tons/year and NOX emissions of 98 kg/year, with a fossil fuel saving of 17 TEP/year.
“We believe that companies should look to the future – says Francesco Berselli, President of Varvel SpA – minding the world we will leave to our children and grandchildren by setting an example we are investing not only to grow in manufacturing but also in reducing the environmental impact. In this spirit, we wanted to place the display at the entrance, so that the others derive inspiration. “
The same opinion is Cominoli Mauro, General Manager of Varvel SpA who confirms that “The company has always paid attention to the world around and to all stakeholders. Just a sign of our transparency, every year we produce a sustainability report in which it is possible to evaluate all the actions taken in the company and the values that make us a socially responsible company. “