The dietary fiber in wheat bran, principally non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), is mostly water-unextractable and is poorly utilized by human gut microbiota.
US Researchers published on Food Research International journal a study whose the purpose was to determine the change in water-extractability of NSP in wheat bran upon extrusion and then to determine if extrusion impacts the availability of NSP for fermentation by the fecal microbiota during in vitro fecal fermentation. A secondary objective was to incorporate extruded bran into a product formulation to determine if changes in WE-NSP and NSP fermentation were maintained in a finished product.
Bran was extruded using combinations of high or low moisture (15% and 30% wb) and high or low screw speed (120 and 250 rpm). All extrusion conditions resulted in increases in WE-NSP and fecal microbiota short chain fatty acid (SCFA) production upon fermentation compared with unextruded bran. Low screw speed and low moisture resulted in the greatest increase in WE-NSP (3-fold) as well as the highest production of SCFA during fermentation (1.4-fold) compared with unextruded bran. Whole wheat breads containing extruded bran did not show increases in either WE-NSP or SCFA production compared with the control.
In conclusion, extrusion of wheat bran increased WE-NSP, which enabled greater fermentability by human fecal microbiota. However, once extruded bran was used in a whole wheat bread formulation the changes in fermentation outcomes were no longer evident. All rights reserved, Elsevier.