The latest issue of “Industrie delle Bevande” is now available


Vinitaly consolidates its business positioning and a central role in the international promotion of Italian wine. In this issue, we report some of the novelties seen in the fair.

Saving in terms of CO2 emitted, rationalising water consumption, and reusing by-products in circular terms in a cellar. This contribution showed how a targeted design of buildings and systems supported by sustainable energy sources – also by the means of energy simulations and approaches based on machine learning – can provide a positive contribution to energy saving and environmental sustainability in the wine sector. While for the packaging, the thing that has been receiving the most attention over the last year is not alternative packaging but rather an alternative approach to traditional packaging.

And what about the latest applied research? American researchers hypothesized that wine composition and liner selection affect hydrogen sulfide formation in canned wines; unveiling the power of adding sterols in wine; the recycled low-sugar wort from brewers spent grains results a favourable substrate to produce low alcohol beer.

Looking at consumption data and stock levels, the performance of Italian wine is showing rather encouraging figures; the Prosecco will continue to grow in value above the market average.

As usual, we review machines and equipment, closures and containers, products, laws, news from the world, and the upcoming events in agenda.

Browse the preview here

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19-23/10/2024 - PARIS, FRANCIA
28-31/10/2024 - SHANGHAI, CINA
4-7/11/2024 - PARIS, FRANCIA
5-7/11/2024 - DUBAI, EAU
6-7/11/2024 - LA ROCHELLE, FRANCIA
12-15/11/2024 - MILANO
18-20/11/2024 - SAHANGHAI, CINA
20-21/11/2024 - MILANO
26-28/11/2024 - NORIMBERGA, GERMANIA
26-28/11/2024 - BORDEAUX, FRANCIA
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2-5/02/2025 - COLONIA, GERMANIA
5-7/02/2025 - BERLIN, GERMANIA
16-18/02/2025 - RIMINI
23-25/02/2025 - BOLOGNA
16-18/03/2025 - DÜSSELDORF, GERMANIA
13-15/04/2025 - RIYADH, ARABIA
24-26/04/2025 - ISTANBUL, TURCHIA
5-8/05/2025 - MILANO
13-15/05/2025 - PARMA
18-22/05/2025 - DÜSSELDORF, GERMANIA
20-22/05/2025 - BARCELONA, SPAGNA
27-30/05/2025 - MILANO
11-14/06/2025 - BANGKOK, TAILANDIA