The summer issue of “Ingredienti Alimentari” is now available

In this issue, we present the innovative product concepts seen at Vitafoods Europe in Geneva. We review microencapsulated products and polymers for food use, sport supplements, innovations for women’s health, protein isolates and biotics and botany pioneering principles. Also we feature products and services, including sustainable ingredients with high nutritional value, alternative functional fibres, plant-based ingredient solutions.

In Italy, almost 30 million consumers use food supplements; the interest in physical activity, as an important aspect of well-being, will place the emphasis on those designed athlete’s health. So, we write about the sports consumers’ perception towards food supplements, illustrating properties and functions, and some indications for a more conscious consumption.

Cocoa: an illusory drop in prices? Let’s try to make the point of the situation, also concerning the long-term environmental impact.

To learn more about the Nuova Guseo and its services for the food sector, we interview the export manager Gherardo Marchini. IMCD Italia has inaugurated the new headquarters in Milan, which also includes two new laboratories: in our report we present the releases of Marco Madeddu, managing director of IMCD Italia, and Valerie Diele-Braun, CEO of the Group.

As always, we review the most interesting international products, news from the world, applied researches, new laws, and upcoming events in agenda.

Browse the preview here

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LM’s “hygienic design” solutions for confectionery and bakery

  The LM group offers effective, fast, and reliable handling solutions designed to optimize the several sanitation actions inside the lines.     For years, LM has been...

Extraction of phenolic compounds from grape pomace by ohmic heating

  A Spanish study published in the journal Food Chemistry addresses the effectiveness of ohmic heating (OH) technology for the sustainable recovery of phenolic compounds...

Fermented olive mill wastewater as a new functional beverage

  Olive mill wastewater (OMWW) represents a by-product but also a source of biologically active compounds, and their recycling is a relevant strategy to recover...



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6-7/11/2024 - LA ROCHELLE, FRANCIA
12-15/11/2024 - MILANO
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20-21/11/2024 - MILANO
26-28/11/2024 - NORIMBERGA, GERMANIA
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13-15/05/2025 - PARMA
18-22/05/2025 - DÜSSELDORF, GERMANIA
20-22/05/2025 - BARCELONA, SPAGNA
27-30/05/2025 - MILANO
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