Struggling with sugar reduction impact on Taste?


As consumers are looking more for Health & Wellness through their food products, the manufacturers are challenged to answer by focusing on replacing or decreasing traditional ingredients that are in the spotlight such as sugar, fat and salt. 

Sugar reduction initiatives are also put forward by governments including also the implementation of sugar taxes and require industry engagement to make significant progress.

Our Kerry portfolio of Tastesense™ solutions addresses sweet, masking and mouthfeel challenges which are integral to the development of healthier better tasting products with less sugar. 

Consumers want to cut back on sugar consumption but without sacrificing any of the taste attributes sugar has traditionally provided in their favorite treats. They are also seeking solutions that are perceived as natural with clean and easy to read labelling. According to our Kerry 2021 midyear Taste Trends report another element of the consumer trend around sugar reduction is “acceptable sweetness” where products touting lower sugar, reduced sweetness and clean label sugar alternatives are gaining attention and significant interest in the marketplace.  

Key food and beverage attributes such as sweetness, mouthfeel and delicious taste – all of which sugar is largely responsible for in a product – are in the spotlight for product developers these days as great taste is what consumers demand above all else. Tastesense™ Sweet allows you to reduce sugar while helping to deliver clean sweetness, with no aftertaste and a great sugar-like mouthfeel in product applications. Our Kerry Tastesense™ Sweet solutions enable the manufacturer to replicate those sugar taste attributes as they are the critical factor in any product formulation or reformulation. Depending on the needs of the manufacturer, our Kerry RD&A teams can offer guidance on the combination of taste solutions and sweeteners that should be used in concert with other ingredients to deliver a well-rounded, delicious tasting product, enabling up to a 50% reduction in sugar.


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Find out more here about Tastesense™ Sweet here.


Since sugar does so much, it’s likely that sugar reduction requires a systems approach by a knowledgeable ingredient supplier that combines one, two or more natural flavor solutions that work well together to build back the taste, sweetness and functionality of sugar. A key factor is the applications experience and expertise of the supplier as well. Kerry is your partner as we combine in-depth taste expertise with wide-ranging ingredient knowledge to help create or reformulate products to be healthier and delicious tasting.

We help our customers address the modern, more stringent, nutritional standards and potentially stricter sugar taxes that governments ae implementing around the world. 


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About Kerry 

Kerry is the world’s leading taste and nutrition partner for the food, beverage and pharmaceutical markets. We innovate with our customers to create great tasting products, with improved nutrition and functionality, while ensuring better impact for the planet. Our leading consumer insights, global RD&A team of 1,100+ food scientists and extensive global footprint enable us to solve our customers complex challenges with differentiated solutions. At Kerry, we are driven to be our customers’ most valued partner, creating a world of sustainable nutrition, and will reach over 2 billion consumers with sustainable nutrition solutions by 2030. For more information, visit

Contact information:
Barbara Lezzer


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