Effect of pimenta essential oil against Salmonella  in ground turkey meat


Salmonella enterica Agona (S. Agona) and Salmonella enterica Saintpaul (S. Saintpaul) are among the emerging drug-resistant Salmonella in turkey production and processing. Rapid solutions to control emerging and uncommon serotypes such as S. Agona and S. Saintpaul are needed.

US Researchers tested pimenta essential oil (PEO) as a processing antibacterial against S. Agona and S. Saintpaul in experiments representative of different stages of turkey processing. The compound effectively reduced S. Agona and S. Saintpaul in nutrient broth studies and with mature biofilm assays. PEO was tested against a combination of S. Agona and S. Saintpaul in ground turkey meat and nonprocessed breast meat. In the first experiment with ground turkey, samples were inoculated with a mixture of S. Agona and S. Saintpaul (~3 log10 CFU/g) and treated with PEO at different concentrations (0% PEO, 0.25% PEO, 0.5% PEO, 1% PEO, 2% PEO, and 2.5% PEO). In the second experiment with turkey breast, samples inoculated with ~3 log10 CFU/g (SA+SP) were dipped in different concentrations of PEO with chitosan (CN) for 2 min. In both these experiments, samples were stored at 4degreeC, and Salmonella recovery was carried out at 0, 1, 3, 5, and 7 d. All experiments followed a completely randomized design and were repeated 6 times (n = 6). Statistical analysis was done using the PROC-ANOVA procedure of SAS. In the ground turkey meat, PEO at or above 2% reduced 2 log10 CFU/g of Salmonella by day 1. PEO at 2.5% in ground turkey meat resulted in enrichment-negative samples by 1 min, indicative of the rapid killing effect of the compound at a high concentration of PEO (P <= 0.05). A maximum reduction of 1.7 log10 CFU Salmonella/g of turkey breast meat was obtained after 2 min of dip treatment containing CN and 2.5% PEO.

Results, published in Poultry Science journal, indicate that PEO could be used as a plant-based processing antibacterial against S. Agona and S. Saintpaul in turkey processing. Upscaling to plant-level studies is necessary before recommending its usage.


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