IQ Bell Sensing Technologies® the revolutionary connection

The Bell Sensing IQ System has been developed by Bell Laboratories for 24/7 rodent monitoring and control. 

The devices used for rodent monitoring and control, like bait dispensers and traps, are integrated with a sensor that connects to the phone using Bluetooth technology and transmits the data to the technician or another authorized operator when they located near the device. The data stored by the device between one service and another are immediately downloaded and processed in real time and a report is automatically generated and available to the technicians and the customer.

This application is very useful as an operational support both for trapping techniques that require a quick alert to prevent the permanence of the captured rodent inside the device from causing decomposition phenomena of the carcass and because they represent a valid support for mitigation actions of the risk in the use of rodenticide baits. In fact, being able to have an alarm signal in the event of a rodent passage, we obtain better management of the virtual baits which we can therefore integrate dynamically and quickly with the rodenticide baits. 

As mentioned above, this system uses Bluetooth technology and therefore works without control units and without GSM cards and does not present the typical signal transmission problems which in some cases can be difficult depending on the location of the site or due to the presence of very thick walls which do not allow the passage of the signal between the device and the ECU. 

The device, which can be a bait dispenser or a trap, connects to the App installed on the smartphone of the Technician or the Company’s internal contact person, downloading the data stored since the last connection made.

These are the advantages of the IQ Bell Sensing System: 

– Immediate proof of the presence or absence of rodents 
– Sharing of data with the Client 
– Time saving and high efficiency 
– Real-time troubleshooting 
– Reduction of the use of rodenticide baits 
– Automated data processing and reporting 
– Devices that work even beyond the life of the batteries 
– Continuity of data stored at the end of the device cycle (about 2-3 years) 
– Uniqueness of the Devices used.

Contact us for more information and activate this system today which allows you to carry out a state-of-the-art rodent monitoring and control service in step with the most modern technologies in the field of Pest Management. 

Visit the website

Romani Disinfestazioni Srl
Via dei Bichi,150/c – 55100 Lucca – Italy
Tel 0583 955344 – Cell 337 1238029 


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