In this issue you can read a scientific study about the Sicilian rivet wheat landraces, dealing in grain characteristics and technological quality of semolina and bread.
Then, we publish the report of the the second part of the Powtech show report and the latest USDA forecasts about the world market for cereals and oilseeds.
Some interesting international researches on milling, bread, pasta and feed are also reviewed: Hungarian researchers investigated the functionality of macromolecules of oat milling fractions; in Serbia a study was conducted on improving the breadmaking potential of whole-grain wheat and non-wheat flours; through a Portuguese research, natural phenolic-rich extracts for fresh pasta were obtained; the Department of Agriculture and Animal Production of the University of Reggio Calabria evaluated the levels of almond hulls integration in the diet of lambs.
The sections about machines, news, legislative updates and upcoming events complete this issue.
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