13th AISTEC Conference on regenerative cereal supply chains


The 13th Conference of the Italian Association of Cereal Science and Technology (AISTEC) will be held from 19th to 21th June in Turin, Italy.

With the title “Regenerative cereal supply chains: climate change and new nutritional quality needs”, the theme of the transition of cereal cultivation systems and the food supply chains connected to them will be addressed, to respond to the need to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and to guarantee production in line with the quality demands of the processing industry and society. Regenerative agriculture aims to conserve and regenerate the agricultural system, preserve the soil resource and accumulate carbon, increase biodiversity and ecosystem services, guaranteeing the productivity of the system and the achievement of the health, nutritional and quality objectives of the supply chains. The same approach can be applied at all stages of the supply chains, innovating technological processes, the organization of agri-food networks and the use value of raw materials and food products. The Conference therefore intends to present and debate recent scientific acquisitions relating to cereals from field to table and encourage the transfer of research results to the sector, in the context of oral and poster scientific sessions, on the following topics: regenerative agri-food models; product and process innovations; value in use and nutritional quality of raw materials and food products; conscious consumption: communicate and certify new supply chains; traceability and process and product markers; regulatory aspects and economic analysis.

During the event, two awards worth €250.00 each will be awarded: the Chiriotti Award named in memory of Giovanni Chiriotti – founder of our magazine –, dedicated to the best poster on innovative technologies in the sector of cereal transformation and use; the “Tecnica Molitoria” Award for the best poster on the themes of the Conference, aimed at young researchers (max 35 years).


Scientific contributions/Call for abstracts

Those who intend to present an oral communication or poster are invited to complete the registration form on and send it together with the summary by 02/23/2024. All works will be examined by the Scientific Committee which will communicate its decision by email by 03/29/2024.



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5-7/11/2024 - DUBAI, EAU
12-15/11/2024 MILANO
18-20/11/2024 - SAHANGHAI, CINA
20-21/11/2024, MILANO
24-26/11/2024 - NORIMBERGA, GERMANIA
26-28/11/2024 BORDEAUX, FRANCIA
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13-15/05/2025 PARMA
18-22/05/2025 - DÜSSELDORF, GERMANIA
20-22/05/2025 - BARCELONA, SPAGNA
27-30/05/2025 - MILANO