Global milk & dairy products market

The market for dairy products is one of the major segments of the overall food industry. Traditionally, the dairy market has offered a range of milk-based products, with processed milk, butter, cheese, and curd, dominating the market. However, changing consumer dietary patterns, increasing consumer awareness regarding the nutritional values of dairy products, higher willingness to spend and waning price responsiveness have led to further diversification of products on shelf which include infant milk formula-based products, skimmed and whole milk powder, lactose-based products and casein-derived products. This is the summary from the 2014 edition of Global Milk & Dairy Products market report produced by  Research and Markets.
Transformation of the traditional structure of dairy farming into modern technological set-up has brought the entire dairy market on an advanced platform, which is now outfitted with high-tech equipment, technology and heavy investment. Technological innovations and improvements in the production process and efficiency gains have enabled dairy producers worldwide to cater to the increasing needs of customer in different forms like condensed milk, homogenized milk, buttermilk, cheese, casein, yogurt, gelato, and ice creams, while maintaining the quality standards at the same time. 
Production and consumption of cheese remains the highest amongst all dairy products worldwide. This segment has shown significant growth in the last few years. Except Oceania and South Asia, the rest of the world has strengthened its cheese consumption on the back of increased demand. 
The report, “Global Milk and Dairy Products Market” prudently analyzes the development of the respective market, with a focus on the top 7 milk producing regions of the world which includes the EU, the US, India, China, Brazil, Russia and New Zealand. The report contains the major trends, growth drivers as well as issues being faced by the industry. The global milk and dairy market is predominated by a handful of players including Nestlé, Danone, Fonterra and Unilever contending and vying for greater market share. The profiles of these leading players are also included in the report along with their key financials and strategies for growth.


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